The Towne Crier

You've found your way to the olde Towne Crier, a veritable smorgasbord of hilarious notes, quotes and observations by two certifiable (and self-proclaimed) geniuses. Please feel free to peruse through the insanity with a light heart, a boyish grin, and a pocket full of ribbon candy.

Sunday, May 08, 2005

New Peebleshire Phrase of the Week: "A Bit of the Old Thisums"

Percy McPilsner lustily offers a single daisy in exchange for a bit of the old thisums.

"A bit of the old thisums"

1. A common expression alluding to anything particularly swarthy or debaucherous
2. A carouser's term, almost always insinuating a desire for revelry
3. An act warranting the depletion of scrupleberries

Delmindt McSpindler's finely tuned viola, whenst mingled with cheap brandy, adequately establishes the mood for a bit of the old thisums.


Blogger * said...


I'm not sure what any of that means, but you are now officially my favorite person on earth. Don't tell Adam. Or Jennifer. Or Frank. Or my family.

8:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kyle Tobelshire York,

Who is your favorite person again? We'll see who will be napping on the cobblestones for the next thirty-plus years.

Jennifer Hermitshire

2:52 PM  
Blogger * said...


I wouldst prefer to nap upon the cobbles of my youth with my fellow countrymen than to sup in a house of strife and ill temperment...

Whatever that means.

We've got to give you a much more creative and nonsensical name than that, sweetie. How about Philly McJuniper or Querky McGibletberry? Either suits you nicely.


4:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Querky ehh? Hmm...the implications of even the most affectionate nickname from my dashing suitor most certainly invite uncertainty of one's true opinion of his bride. Perhaps a little something more romantic dear?

9:50 PM  

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