The Towne Crier

You've found your way to the olde Towne Crier, a veritable smorgasbord of hilarious notes, quotes and observations by two certifiable (and self-proclaimed) geniuses. Please feel free to peruse through the insanity with a light heart, a boyish grin, and a pocket full of ribbon candy.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

New Peebleshire's Official Snackfood: Poppycock

Sweet sweet Poppycock. Warning: Eating poppycock whilst wearing fingerless gloves can cause quite the sticky, or should I say satisfying, predicament.

Poppycock is the one type of morsel you're sure to see at the top of the liquorsmith's late-night menu or carelessly lodged in the beard of an unsuspecting magistrate. Composed of sweetened popping corn fused with puffed millet, nothing satisfies the palate after a long day at the grindstone quite like poppycock.

On a side note, New Peebleshire's dental care boycott has the local milletsmith's guild up in arms. Poppycock sales are down 4% this quarter as commoners are reportedly avoiding sugar in an attempt to preserve what's left of their smiles. In related news, sales of beef-flavored boot leather are up 9%.


Blogger * said...

a classic. good to have you back, daddy!

11:26 AM  

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