A Tribute to the Fife

The melody strengthens as the local fifer's guild parades up the street, greeting the new day with the joyous sounds of the flute's illegitimate cousin. Children burst forth from their cottages when the fife wielders draw near, if perchance to join in the magical procession that seems to pass all too quickly.
"Fear not little ones," the Head Fife assures, "we shant refuse you such delights when the morrow morn commeth." So the children return to their sorghum-based breakfast cereals while the fifer's songs dimmeth. "Where do they go?" the children wonder, and their parents point them eastward. "To Gillowsbry Forest, of course!" they'll say, "to join with the birds in song."
A rightful tribute to the fife, which brings to all both joy and life, which toots its song for all to hear, and ushers in our daily cheer.
No Austin,
Firstly, I don't think you're quite aware of how grueling the fifer's regimen is. They only sleep one hour and fifteen minutes per evening. The rest of their day is spent tooting the fife, cleaning the fife, wielding the fife, and countless other fife-related activities.
Secondly...well, there is no secondly. The point has been made, though. You shant become a fifer. Perhaps a proffession like bootblacking would suit you more appropriately.
Wow, did I misspell "profession"? Guess it's time to bone back up on the old Oxford Annotated Diction'ry.
hahahahahaha! Yees.
you both are ridiculous. I am glad this is still up, it is a wonderful pasttime when i have nothing to do at work.
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