Local Residents Pleased with Saint Hubbins Day Festivities

A depiction of Saint Hubbins, here seen warning snakes against touching his shoes.
March 4th has come and gone, and so has another fruitful Saint Hubbins Day celebration. Candied figs, fresh Poppycock, and malted sorghum were in heavy supply on this, New Peebleshire's most beloved holiday.
This marks the 435th observance of the legacy of Saint Hubbins, who was the patron Saint of Quality Footwear. The holiday was formed when one of New Peebleshire's local scholars observed that March Fourth is the only day of the year which also functions as a complete sentence (March forth.). Given that proper marching and quality footwear are inseparable, the day was borne with much rejoicing.
The holiday begins with friends and family giving one another the gift of shoes. Perhaps one will receive the standard black shoe with golden buckle, or perhaps a wooden clog, or even the occasional house slipper made from fresh pumpernickel.
Then comes the great parade which, unlike most, encourages all of the citizens to "march forth" with their new shoes, bearing proudly their most prized gift of all...self-esteem. It is a grand occasion for every citizen -- from the lowest commoner to the highest bearer of scrupleberries -- all are considered equal on Olde Saint Hubbins Day.
This type of wooden clog was a popular Saint Hubbins Day gift for 2006.